/ Technology

Catwalk is back and open for business

Thursday 5 June 2025

Crypt on the Green, London, EC1R 0EA

Catwalk, our event focused on emerging tech designed with advice professionals in mind, is making a comeback.

Following our inaugural sellout event last year, we’re back to do it all again, putting early stage tech in front of the advice and planning firms that are likely to be using it in the very near future.

For lang cat fans of old, we are returning to the Crypt of DeadX fame, but this time we’ve got the whole church…

If you couldn’t make it to Catwalk last time round, the format goes like this:

Five shortlisted firms take to the stage to demo their kit and clearly set out how it improves the lot of planners and, ideally, their clients. (We may be persuaded to extend these demos slightly from the strict five minutes we had last time, but not by much – demo-ing firms, you have been warned.)

Each featured firm then gets taken to task on things like real world application, commercials, where their tech fits into the advice process and more. Doing the questioning will be an expert industry panel whom we dub the High Inquisitors – more info soon on who’ll be taking on this esteemed role.

The process

To get onto our final five, interested firms can apply here.

The lang cat will then sift through the applications to debate and decide the tech that excites us the most, and which we feel are most worthy of the audience’s time. We may contact selected firms to ask any follow-up questions or better understand the tech to see if it’s the right fit.

The final five will then be revealed towards the end of April.

What are we looking for?

We love hearing about all the cool stuff being built in the world of fintech, but if you are keen to get in front of the Catwalk’s expert audience then it helps to know what we and they are after:

  • Early stage tech: This may be a live product with funding and backing. Maybe you’re not making money yet, or maybe you’re still in the start-up in the garage/home office phase. The sweet spot is not so early that you don’t have anything to show (unless you’re planning to build a proposition in the next few months!) but not the established, big advicetech names either.
  • Aimed at those working in advice and planning: There will be lots of tech that has applications for financial advice, but has actually been designed for a completely different sector. Tech aimed squarely at the advice market probably has a better chance of making the grade, but we are open – worth making sure though you can stand up to tough questions about where your proposition fits in with advice professionals’ working lives.
  • Something different #1: There are LOTS of AI-powered systems out there. If you can spell out what makes yours different, that will make things easier both in terms of selection and when it comes to the demo itself.
  • Something different #2: It’d be great to feature firms we haven’t heard from before, not only to share the limelight but also to introduce attendees to tech they might not have heard much about up until now, or are keen to find out more about.

For our part, we’ll work to make sure we draw our founders from as diverse a group and from as varied propositions as possible.

I’m an advice pro – what’s in it for me?

From our latest State of the Advice Nation research, we’ve heard how the use of AI in many advice firms is on the up, as is the proportion of firms we’ve heard from who plan to adopt AI sooner rather than later.

A third of respondents also say they are likely to make fundamental changes to their tech stack either imminently or in the near future.

The level of choice can feel overwhelming, all the while trying to test the promises being made, understand the capability on offer and whether a particular company suits the needs of you and your clients.

Catwalk is an opportunity to come along, see what’s out there, ask questions and hear from the founders directly. With the lang cat doing the heavy lifting – all you have to do is cast your vote at the end for Best in Show.

Plus, who doesn’t want to come to a tech event in a church?

What the class of 2024 has to say

“When we applied for the lang cat’s Catwalk, we didn’t have a product. But by the time of the event a few months later, we had a fully functioning MVP that we were able to demonstrate. So applying for the event and giving ourselves a hard deadline certainly focused the mind to ensure we built and delivered a product we were proud of. Although there was an element of risk involved with our approach, we knew it was an opportunity we could not miss.

“It proved to be the springboard we expected. We gained immediate exposure to an engaged and influential audience that would have taken far longer to reach otherwise, and we received external validation that continues to be priceless. Many conversations that started that day have developed into so much more, our Catwalk appearance is still referred to by others when new introductions are made, and I’m positive its impact will last for many years to come. Don’t delay your application, and certainly don’t miss out.”

Joseph Williams, co-founder and CEO, ZeroKey

“It was incredible to pitch in front of such a large audience of experts. The real-life feedback was invaluable and it’s exciting to see our solution truly resonate with the industry.

“Now, as a partner with Analyser, we’re thrilled to collaborate with the lang cat to further integrate into the ecosystem and continue delivering efficiencies for advisers.”

Jeremy Bensoussan, co-founder and CEO, Avenir

Get involved

To come along, tickets are £100 plus VAT. That includes the afterparty, with free drinks and food. If you’re an advice professional and a member of the lang cat’s panel, keep an eye on your inbox, as we may have something for you… Book your ticket

If you want to apply, again the link you need is here.

Please note, applications close on Friday 18 April 2025.

Highlights from Catwalk 2024 at Studio Spaces

/ Blogs

Impact of poor service

/ White papers

The Impact of Poor Service

We provided the research for a report, in conjunction with Parmenion, which reveals how far short of expectations many adviser platforms are falling. The research found that over the last 12 months, 88% of advisers needed to apologise to at least one of their clients on behalf of a platform, and that poor service delivery from platforms impacts 91% of advisers every day.

Impact of poor service

/ White papers

The Impact of Poor Platform Service

We provided the research for a report, in conjunction with Parmenion, which reveals how far short of expectations many adviser platforms are falling. The research found that over the last 12 months, 88% of advisers needed to apologise to at least one of their clients on behalf of a platform, and that poor service delivery from platforms impacts 91% of advisers every day.

/ White papers

Answering the Call

Service means a lot of things to a lot of different people. It’s so subjective it can be hard to put your finger on. This paper aims to challenge the status quo and inertia that’s built up in the sector for many years.