Those of you with excellent memories (or quite possibly too much spare time) may recall that, around this time last year, we took a long hard look at the barriers getting in between advisers and investment companies.
Some barriers were real, some perceived but all were impeding the potential flow of assets.
This time around we’re taking a more positive slant and looking at how advisers are overcoming those barriers to integrate investment companies into their recommendations.
As part of our research we spoke with a number of advisers who very generously shared their time, experience and views with us. We certainly found it enlightening and we hope you do too.
The paper is free to download, thanks to the good sorts at the Association of Investment Companies (AIC) who kindly sponsored it. However, and to be nice and clear, the content, analysis and opinions are all ours.
We hope you enjoy the paper. As ever, do let us know what you think.