State of the Advice Nation 2024/25
State of the Advice Nation is the UK’s best insight into the advice profession, combining business and sentiment data.
Q3 2024 Platform market scorecard
The Q3 2024 version of our in-depth market analysis of inflows, outflows, developments, regulation and thematic deep dives.
Q2 2024 Platform market scorecard
Our in-depth market analysis of inflows, outflows, developments, regulation and thematic deep dives for Q2 2024.
Q1 2024 Platform market scorecard
Our in-depth market analysis of inflows, outflows, developments, regulation and thematic deep dives every quarter.
Q4 Platform market scorecard
Our in-depth market analysis of inflows, outflows, developments, regulation and thematic deep dives every quarter.
State of the advice nation
State of the Advice Nation is the UK’s best insight into the UK advice profession, taking a sentiment-led approach to data. Wave 6 is now available.
Q3 market scorecard
Our in-depth market analysis of inflows, outflows, developments, regulation and thematic deep dives every quarter. Particularly covers platforms and DFM Model Portfolio Services.
House Rules
The equity release industry has faced an uphill battle to shed the negative perceptions which have followed it around for the last several decades. While not unreasonable, those perceptions are largely outdated and this paper looks at it through fresh eyes.
CIPs: An overheating engine?
Our research for Copia Capital looks at how Centralised Investment Propositions (CIPs) became a victim of their own success and what advisers can do about it
Signal to noise: Barriers to transfer business
We’re not giving anything away when we say that the platform transfer market is not performing as well as it could for anyone involved.