
Come and have a go

Welcome to the first ever lang cat guide to direct investing through platforms.

June 2014


Welcome to the first ever lang cat guide to direct investing through platforms. We are humbled that you’re taking time out of your busy day to come and have a go with us. ‘Not only is this guide a first for us, it’s a first for the industry’ we don’t think anyone has written anything quite like this for customers of platforms before. We might be wrong. We’ve been wrong before, there was that time in 2012 when we really should have turned left instead of right. But other than that…


This Guide should tell you all you need to know about the basics of platforms and how to pick one which should match your needs. It suggests the 4 key things you need to know about yourself before picking, and the 7 key things to measure platforms you’re considering against.

We’re known for pricing analysis in this market, and price ‘is’ an important factor, but it’s only 1 of 7, and it’s actually one of the last to think about. So you’ll get pricing analysis (and our famous heatmaps), but lots more besides.

What else? We review all the platforms, give out some awards for those we think do particularly good stuff for certain kinds of investors, provide a handy checklist for you to use when picking a platform, and have a bit of fun along the way.

We’ve had a great time writing this. We hope you like reading it. Please send us your thoughts any which way.

/ Additional reports

The Advice Gap 2024

The study blends research from 2,000 consumers and over 200 advice professionals on the lang cat’s advice panel. 

Impact of poor service

/ White papers

The Impact of Poor Service

We provided the research for a report, in conjunction with Parmenion, which reveals how far short of expectations many adviser platforms are falling. The research found that over the last 12 months, 88% of advisers needed to apologise to at least one of their clients on behalf of a platform, and that poor service delivery from platforms impacts 91% of advisers every day.

Impact of poor service

/ White papers

The Impact of Poor Platform Service

We provided the research for a report, in conjunction with Parmenion, which reveals how far short of expectations many adviser platforms are falling. The research found that over the last 12 months, 88% of advisers needed to apologise to at least one of their clients on behalf of a platform, and that poor service delivery from platforms impacts 91% of advisers every day.

/ White papers

Answering the Call

Service means a lot of things to a lot of different people. It’s so subjective it can be hard to put your finger on. This paper aims to challenge the status quo and inertia that’s built up in the sector for many years.