Over 600 people registered for the event, whether in person or online, and it’s already generated industry headlines!
Here are some useful bits and pieces from the day:
- A whole heap of extra information about lang cat things you may have heard about on the day: https://mailchi.mp/langcatfinancial/regenerate, including SOTAN (State of the Advice Nation)
- The Just Giving link for our charity partner, The Samaritans: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/thelangcatsamaritans
- The videos of the sessions will be available on our YouTube channel over the coming weeks, subscribe now so you don’t miss out: https://www.youtube.com/@thelangcat
- A gallery of professional photos below!
Behind the scenes, we’re now busy picking out some of the highlights of everything we discussed as part of a post-event roundtable. Keep an eye out for all of our follow-up content over the next couple of weeks.