The lang cat’s albums of 2024
The annual roundup literally no-one has been waiting for. Here are Mark’s – and no-one else’s – ten best records of the year.
The lang cat’s albums of 2023
The annual roundup literally no-one has been waiting for. Here are Mark’s – and no-one else’s – ten best records of the year.
the lang cat’s albums of 2016
Last year when I wrote this, Mike Barrett got in touch to say ‘not in my name’ and it was generally agreed that I don’t speak for the whole lang cat team when I do these lists. So before I get going, in the interests of balance: Mike, our own superstar DJ, has his own […]
the lang cat’s albums of 2016
Last year when I wrote this, Mike Barrett got in touch to say ‘not in my name’ and it was generally agreed that I don’t speak for the whole lang cat team when I do these lists. So before I get going, in the interests of balance: Mike, our own superstar DJ, has his own […]
the lang cat’s albums of 2015
OK, not so much the company’s, but mine. Who says it’s a democracy? Next year we’ll maybe do a more inclusive roundup, but here’s what cheered me up this year: Public Service Broadcasting – The Race For Space. Bleep, bloop, astronauts are nice was how I described this record, unkindly. It’s fantastic stuff and a good […]
The lang cat’s albums of 2014
Another year passes, another trip around the sun, another year closer to our eternal reward, another blog about music that no-one will read. Time, as you know, is an artificial construct designed to explain the otherwise random passing of events, and an attempt to place order on a pointless and terrifying universe. 365 days is […]
The lang cat’s albums of 2014
Another year passes, another trip around the sun, another year closer to our eternal reward, another blog about music that no-one will read. Time, as you know, is an artificial construct designed to explain the otherwise random passing of events, and an attempt to place order on a pointless and terrifying universe. 365 days is […]