The FCA’s plan for ‘world class, data-led’ regulation
Alison Gay on what the regulator is prioritising and why over the next year, and why it’s skilling up on data expertise.
The FCA’s watching brief on Consumer Duty
The regulator’s areas of concern on Consumer Duty compliance – both for those working to the closed book deadline, and everyone else.
AI: A ‘wow’ moment for platforms and advice?
We are starting to see signs of AI slowly but surely finding its way into advice. And it’s a trend platforms and providers are seeing too.
“It’s really hard to know the truth”: The paraplanner view on service
Continuing our mini-series on what service really means, next up we hear from Siân Davies Cole from Plan Works.
The Top Class Wednesday Update works on all operating systems
Big week this week with abrdn’s AdviserOS announcement and news that M&G finally managed to get the PruFund range up on its platform.
DataViz: A fresh look at financial services
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, then financial services has gone well and truly mad. Having joined the industry around two months ago, this has been my overwhelming impression of the tired-old lines and scary figures that the industry constantly churns out […]
Please welcome @langcatlucy
Afternoon, just a short post. I’m delighted and intimidated in equal measures to say that today we welcome a new addition to the ranks at the lang cat. Please say a heartfelt hello to Lucy Edmans. Hello Lucy! Delighted, because Lucy has joined to help us fulfil some of the many big plans we have […]