The Top Class Wednesday Update is living in a fragmented world
And so it came to pass that the Platform of the Year Awards were held on a Tuesday night, and Mark had not lined anyone else up to write the Update and lo, he looked and he found that it was really not good. But given that the damage was self-inflicted he had no choice […]
The Top Class Wednesday Update delivers delivers delivers delivers
You know what? I can’t even. So here’s a joke instead. Why are ants always getting sick? Because they only have tiny antibodies. Thank you. I’m not here all week. Might take to my bed for the next two years. Quite tempted to leave the Update there. But I won’t. Instead, let’s have a think […]
The Top Class Wednesday Update feels your ennui
Well, we’re in it now. 22% inflation, anyone? And the solution is…to drill more oil wells which might be operational in 25 years’ time. I think the only rational response here is either to go round blindfolded and ear-plugged in an attempt to avoid all this, or to get absolutely stocious and watch Mikael Gorbachev’s […]