The Top Class Wednesday Update’s second draft may say something completely different…
TCWU is mostly this week talking about pensions. But before we do, let us reflect ion the trials and tribulations of political party leadership.
The Top Class Wednesday Update is on the edge
Hello again, welcome to your autumn but go easy on the heating. I have a couple of announcements this week, but the main one is that the Update is now denominated in dollars and so will cost you just a little more each month, but that’s a small price to pay for growth, amirite? Almost […]
FCA Guidance Consultation (GC14/3)
In an effort to avoid offending fans of any other literary greats (and quite possibly the FCA), I’ll keep to the point this time. I’ll even resist the urge to draw one last parallel between Jane Austen’s Emma (which while often considered Austen’s most accomplished work, is distinguished by the fact that nothing of note […]
FCA Guidance Consultation (GC14/3)
In an effort to avoid offending fans of any other literary greats (and quite possibly the FCA), I’ll keep to the point this time. I’ll even resist the urge to draw one last parallel between Jane Austen’s Emma (which while often considered Austen’s most accomplished work, is distinguished by the fact that nothing of note […]