What to expect from HomeGame 4
HomeGame 4 will soon be upon us. Expect the focus to be on new talent, the shape of advice and Scotland, obviously.
Ah! We had fun on the Catwalk
Almost 200 people squeezed into a very small venue to participate in the inaugural lang cat Catwalk, showcasing some of the latest advicetech
Regenerating the industry: From guidance to transfers
At a recent roundtable, we discussed where the FCA and industry as a whole should ‘regenerate’ and refocus its efforts.
So. That was #langcatlive REGENERATE
A little round up of useful information and links from our #langcatlive event REGENERATE on 8 February.
The Top Class Wednesday Update will see you after the show
After a final punt for our Regenerate event. Mark trains the stage lights on platform flows for 2023 and it’s not a pretty picture …