That, Mr Anderson, is the sound of inevitability
Agent Smith’s words to Neo might have a special resonance to public sector workers this week as they stand bravely, Canute-style in the face of pensions reform. The argument is too much, too soon, and we’ve already moved to a sustainable basis. But the truth is that the public don’t want their servants to have […]
That, Mr Anderson, is the sound of inevitability
Agent Smith’s words to Neo might have a special resonance to public sector workers this week as they stand bravely, Canute-style in the face of pensions reform. The argument is too much, too soon, and we’ve already moved to a sustainable basis. But the truth is that the public don’t want their servants to have […]
Potholes and a penny
Ozzy Osborne bit the head off a bat onstage in Des Moines in 1982. We could have done with some of that chutzpah to liven up yesterday’s effort from the other Ozzy. Don’t get me wrong, it was an oratorical display to be proud of, but there was relatively little to be interested in otherwise. […]
Potholes and a penny
Ozzy Osborne bit the head off a bat onstage in Des Moines in 1982. We could have done with some of that chutzpah to liven up yesterday’s effort from the other Ozzy. Don’t get me wrong, it was an oratorical display to be proud of, but there was relatively little to be interested in otherwise. […]
Merry Christmas from the lang cat
Well, that’s pretty much it as far as work goes for 2010. It’s been a huge year for pensions and platforms. As more comes our way in 2011 I guess my wish for next year is that we find a way to get more people as motivated to sort out their financial lives as they […]
Merry Christmas from the lang cat
Well, that’s pretty much it as far as work goes for 2010. It’s been a huge year for pensions and platforms. As more comes our way in 2011 I guess my wish for next year is that we find a way to get more people as motivated to sort out their financial lives as they […]
what’s the right price for a platform?
I think many would answer that question with a Friedmanite ‘whatever the market will stand’. One major platform provider has just stated in their new business results that they are not seeing any, pressure to reduce margins, which I think is FD-speak for, wahey. The real answer is a bit more nuanced and it really […]
small things to make your life better #1
So we start as we mean to go on. For anyone wondering where the lang cat got his name, the answer is from a fine Fifish folkie by the name of James Yorkston, who is a guitar hero and all round excellent fellow. His song ‘A Lang Cat’ is the guilty one. Sadly the lang […]
introducing the lang cat
The very first blog post from the lang cat! As we post, we’ll try to bring you a different take on the key issues facing the platform, pensions and investment industry. The lang cat also knows that there is more to life than this, so every week or so we’ll post something nice to make […]
what’s the right price for a platform?
I think many would answer that question with a Friedmanite ‘whatever the market will stand’. One major platform provider has just stated in their new business results that they are not seeing any, pressure to reduce margins, which I think is FD-speak for, wahey. The real answer is a bit more nuanced and it really […]