High Fidelity
Well, this is a turn-up for the books. Fidelity FundsNetwork (the SPECTRE of fund supermarkets to Skandia’s SMERSH) has announced that it’s going to start publishing the rebates it receives from fund managers. Money Marketing has the skinny here. A couple of things jump to mind: Well done. Yes, Fiddy would have had to do […]
High Fidelity
Well, this is a turn-up for the books. Fidelity FundsNetwork (the SPECTRE of fund supermarkets to Skandia’s SMERSH) has announced that it’s going to start publishing the rebates it receives from fund managers. Money Marketing has the skinny here. A couple of things jump to mind: Well done. Yes, Fiddy would have had to do […]
The irresistible decline of provider extranets?
Just a short post, inspired by a piece I saw recently from a platform user. His thing was that other than trading, he used very little of the reporting or client management functionality that his chosen platform bundled in (he happened to use CoFunds but it could’ve been anyone). Instead of relying on the platform […]
The irresistible decline of provider extranets?
Just a short post, inspired by a piece I saw recently from a platform user. His thing was that other than trading, he used very little of the reporting or client management functionality that his chosen platform bundled in (he happened to use CoFunds but it could’ve been anyone). Instead of relying on the platform […]
Blah blah rebates blah blah
Oh for the love of the big man, people, you were meant to have got this all fixed by now. But returning after a stint looking after the lang kitten, I find that we are still ripping ourselves apart on the issue of how we charge customers less for stuff. I’m in favour of preserving […]
Blah blah rebates blah blah
Oh for the love of the big man, people, you were meant to have got this all fixed by now. But returning after a stint looking after the lang kitten, I find that we are still ripping ourselves apart on the issue of how we charge customers less for stuff. I’m in favour of preserving […]
Gracious, how vexing.
A short but highly peeved post today as a result of the FSA mucking about still further on platform rebates. You can read a summary of the story on Citywire, with a fetching picture of Hugo. I’ve written before on the lunacy of the cash rebate ban on platforms. On the patented Lang Cat Scale […]
Gracious, how vexing.
A short but highly peeved post today as a result of the FSA mucking about still further on platform rebates. You can read a summary of the story on Citywire, with a fetching picture of Hugo. I’ve written before on the lunacy of the cash rebate ban on platforms. On the patented Lang Cat Scale […]
Specific gravity, the secret of a good client proposition?
I’ve been taking a little time this morning to read the results of the RBS customer charter. The headlines are that it’s a curate’s egg, good in parts. Incidentally, if you want to know where the phrase ‘curate’s egg’ comes from, it’s from this 1895 Punch cartoon. It’s all part of the service here at […]
Specific gravity, the secret of a good client proposition?
I’ve been taking a little time this morning to read the results of the RBS customer charter. The headlines are that it’s a curate’s egg, good in parts. Incidentally, if you want to know where the phrase ‘curate’s egg’ comes from, it’s from this 1895 Punch cartoon. It’s all part of the service here at […]