Introducing our new website – and the thinking behind it
While the old site did the job just fine, we’ve been aware that there was a room for improvement, and that’s why we’ve overhauled the website.
How planners are meeting the tech stack challenge
Advice professionals say practice management systems are the weakest point in their advice tech, more so than their chosen platforms.
The evolution of platforms: For better or worse?
When it comes to change and innovation, platforms would argue they are changing all the time – constantly building improvements in functionality and service.
The big platform debate: Where does innovation come from?
The setpiece debate at our recent HomeGame 3 event in Edinburgh looked at where change and innovation comes from in the platform market.
“Perception is reality”: The provider view on service
In the final part of our mini-series on service and what it really means, we hear from abrdn chief commercial and strategy officer Jonny Black.
“It’s really hard to know the truth”: The paraplanner view on service
Continuing our mini-series on what service really means, next up we hear from Siân Davies Cole from Plan Works.
How to get to better platform service: the lang cat view
We’ve decided to make service a key focus here at the lang cat. In the first of a three-part mini-series Steve talks us through some recent research findings.
Tackling the advice gap: One solution at a time
Understanding the advice gap comes down to two important questions: what is stopping most people from seeking advice, and what do we do about it?
Consumer Duty: Cut out and keep guide
The FCA has published the final rules for the Consumer Duty, the implementation period has been confirmed, and it is over to you dear adviser/platform/asset manager/tech supplier (delete as appropriate) to make the necessary changes. The good news is, as you would expect, we’ve got your back. We’ve been busy with our own readiness program […]
Yes, The Top Class Wednesday Update just went there
With Boss man Mark Polson away, it’s down to me to write this week’s update. Finally, someone sensible, you’re probably thinking. Someone we can get on board with. Don’t set your hopes high though. Doing an OK job means he may want me to write it again, and I’ve been stung before. At home I […]