Like a wounded bull: Guide to platform pricing
The second edition of our, infamous Guide to Platform Pricing, published in August 2013 with two informative updates for our subscribers since.
How I learned to stop worrying and love SIPP due diligence
Due diligence is one of our beloved industry’s trickier beasts. Much like dental check-ups, MOTs and dinner with the in-laws, many of us have to go through it but very few relish the prospect.
Platform pricing prophecies
It won’t have escaped your attention that the platform sector has been ALIVE with price cuts in recent years.
The value of nothing: state of the platform nation
Welcome to the lang cat’s Guide to Platform Pricing for 2014.
Due diligence and PS13/1
PS13/1 came into force on 6 April 2014. Here’s our free white paper for advisers on what that means for your due diligence obligations.