Just a passing Sunday thought

Don’t worry, I’m not going to crowbar this round to something about platforms. Kurt Vonnegut, maybe my favourite author, once wrote: “Which brings us to the arts, whose purpose, in common with astrology, is to use frauds in order to make human beings seem more wonderful than they really are. Dancers show us human beings […]

The Telegraph, mineral water and wrap OR why added value doesn’t work

While pausing in one of this nation’s fine railway stations last week, I found myself fancying a bottle of water. No problem. There was a newsagent, I had legal tender in my pocket and we were all set for a nice bit of free enterprise. Being a legendarily tight Scotsman, I rumbled that whereas a […]

The Telegraph, mineral water and wrap OR why added value doesn’t work

While pausing in one of this nation’s fine railway stations last week, I found myself fancying a bottle of water. No problem. There was a newsagent, I had legal tender in my pocket and we were all set for a nice bit of free enterprise. Being a legendarily tight Scotsman, I rumbled that whereas a […]

Merry Christmas from the lang cat

Well, that’s pretty much it as far as work goes for 2010. It’s been a huge year for pensions and platforms. As more comes our way in 2011 I guess my wish for next year is that we find a way to get more people as motivated to sort out their financial lives as they […]

Merry Christmas from the lang cat

Well, that’s pretty much it as far as work goes for 2010. It’s been a huge year for pensions and platforms. As more comes our way in 2011 I guess my wish for next year is that we find a way to get more people as motivated to sort out their financial lives as they […]

Everyone’s a publisher now

Recently I’ve been reading and working on some client-facing materials (on and offline) for a couple of companies, big and small. Here’s a little cri de coeur from me. Think of it as a little set of guidelines if writing and publishing copy isn’t your stock-in-trade. If you’re going to publish content, behave like a […]

Everyone’s a publisher now

Recently I’ve been reading and working on some client-facing materials (on and offline) for a couple of companies, big and small. Here’s a little cri de coeur from me. Think of it as a little set of guidelines if writing and publishing copy isn’t your stock-in-trade. If you’re going to publish content, behave like a […]

small things to make your life better #2

So it’s a dreich Monday morning here in Edinburgh, but our spirits are kept high by an historic rugby win at the weekend. That’ll be twice Scotland have beaten South Africa in 41 years then. Anyway, in honour of that and of the upcoming 6 Nations, here’s a clip that never ever fails to have […]