State of the Platform Nation 2023/24
The authority on platform performance, segmentation, analysis, pricing and strategy.
Q4 Platform market scorecard
Our in-depth market analysis of inflows, outflows, developments, regulation and thematic deep dives every quarter.
Q3 market scorecard
Our in-depth market analysis of inflows, outflows, developments, regulation and thematic deep dives every quarter. Particularly covers platforms and DFM Model Portfolio Services.
State of the Platform Nation 2022/23
A full review, of pretty much every advised investment platform in the UK market today and a snapshot of how each compares on pricing.
State of the Platform Nation 2021/22
State of the Platform Nation is now live. It’s the tenth edition of this annual report and the one we’re probably best known for.
The lang cat guide to ISA pricing 2020
It’s always a good idea to know what you’re paying for something. How else can you decide whether you’re getting a good deal?
Fixed that for you: state of the platform nation
We’ve thought about it. And we think that 2018 was the biggest year in platforms since RDR. Replatforming, corporate activity (four IPOs and an acquisition) and regulation formed an unholy trinity that saw some of our biggest names fall from grace and many providers running to stand still. In among that somewhere was a large […]
The lang cat’s rummage through all things advised platform for 2017 is finally available, in the visually pleasing shape of THE GREAT MID-LIFE CRISIS: STATE OF THE PLATFORM NATION.
The great mid-life crisis: state of the platform nation
The wait is over. The lang cat’s rummage through all things advised platform for 2017 is finally available, in the visually pleasing shape of THE GREAT MID-LIFE CRISIS: STATE OF THE PLATFORM NATION.
Platforms are dead: State of the platform nation
PLATFORMS ARE DEAD: STATE OF THE PLATFORM NATION.’ This is the lang cat’s guide to the important stuff going on in the advised platform market right now. And there’s a lot of it, as you would expect.